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About De Vrije Student

De Vrije Student is a national student party that represents students at educational institutions in the Netherlands. De Vrije Student is currently represented on the student councils of the University of Amsterdam, Utrecht University and the University of Groningen. The party operates within a national umbrella organization: De Vrije Student. Through cooperation and central coordination, De Vrije Student can make the most of the enthusiasm and talents of our candidates and council members for the student councils.

De Vrije Student is a national organization with the ambition to represent the ideal individual freedom of the student and the academic community in all universities and universities of applied sciences in the Netherlands.

The ultimate goal of De Vrije Student is to create educational conditions in which students can develop in their own way into value-driven adults who take responsibility for their lives and get the best out of themselves and their environment through his / her knowledge and skills. in society to overcome the challenges of society.

Academic freedom
De Vrije Student wants to realize individual freedom by translating values such as academic freedom into realistic education policy. Academic freedom means that every student may express himself or herself on any relevant subject at any time. Academic freedom also means that the student may never be judged on his or her opinion. We also see the notion of academic freedom that within the academic community he / she has room to develop alongside the study. Finally, we understand by this concept that the student must have freedom of choice during the study process, which means that the student can easily follow courses or participate in projects at all faculties of the university or university of applied sciences.

Educational innovation & improvement
Educational innovation is crucial for individual freedom to flourish. We understand education innovation to mean that education follows the social developments. For example, the digitization of education can offer opportunities in terms of accessibility of education for the student, more efficient management for the educational institution and an improvement in the quality of education by integrating proven educational applications into the current educational model. However, educational innovation goes beyond just digital education. Educational innovation also means that students have the opportunity to implement their own ideas that arise from the study. These ideas can pertain to the study but also beyond as long as they serve the academic community. Finally, education improvement is also about the efficient use of university money: this should go as far as possible towards improving education.

In addition to academic freedom and educational innovation, DVS attaches importance to sustainability in the broadest sense of the word, meaning that we interpret it in the light of future-proofing. For example, we understand sustainability to make efficient use of material, resources, money and energy. Embracing this value creates space to re-use what is being saved to improve the current situation. Sustainable management of an academy's business should not become an isolated goal, but should be used as a means of dealing with other problems. Examples include saving energy costs that can be spent on the quality of education by investing in new teaching methods or in talent development of students. By sustainability we also mean the efficient deployment of personnel by critically evaluating decision-making processes with the aim of alleviating bureaucracy so that staff have more time for education and research.

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National Board


David Jan Meijer


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